Nail Fungus

Try One of These Remedies for Toenail Fungus

 Toenail fungus, also called onychomycosis, is a common fungal infection of your toenail. The most noticeable symptom is a white, brown, or yellow discoloration of one or more of your toenails. It may spread and cause the nails to thicken or crack.

Sandal season or not, toenail fungus typically isn’t what you want to see when you look at your feet. Fortunately, there are many treatments you can try.

Prescription oral antifungals, such as terbinafine (Lamisil) or fluconazole (Diflucan), are traditionally used to treat toenail fungus. These treatments are often effective, but they may cause serious side effects ranging from upset stomach and dizziness to severe skin problems and jaundice.

This may be why many people try home remedies instead. Here are some of these popular treatments.

Vicks VapoRub is a topical ointment. Although designed for cough suppression, its active ingredients (camphor and eucalyptus oil) may help treat toenail fungus.

A 2011 study found that Vicks VapoRub had a “positive clinical effect” in the treatment of toenail fungus.

To use, apply a small amount of Vicks VapoRub to the affected area at least once a day.

Snakeroot (Ageratina pichinchensis) extract is an antifungal made from plants in the sunflower family.

2008 studyTrusted Source showed that the remedy is as effective against toenail fungus as the prescription antifungal medicine ciclopirox.

For the study, snakeroot extract was applied to the affected area every third day for the first month, twice a week for the second month, and once a week for the third month.

Tea tree oil, also called melaleuca, is an essential oil with antifungal and antiseptic abilities.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthTrusted Source, some small-scale clinical studies showed that tea tree oil might be effective against toenail fungus.

To use, paint the tea tree oil directly onto the affected nail twice daily with a cotton swab.

4. Oregano oil

Oregano oil contains thymol. According to a 2016 review, thymol has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

To treat toenail fungus, apply oregano oil to the affected nail twice daily with a cotton swab. Some people use oregano oil and tea tree oil together.

Both products are potent and may cause irritation or allergic reaction. Combining them may increase this risk.

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